Assignment 1 Minute of Meeting

Minute of Meeting

Meeting on 2nd of October 2022

The idea for questions:

Questions: Get the unique Number of (hosts, neighbourhood_group, Room_type). Get the (host, neighbourhood_group, room_type) with the biggest number of listings. Get the average of (prices per neighbourhood_group and room types). Get the relationships ( prices and minimum_nights, prices and number_of_reviews, Prices and room_type). Can we predict the price?

Correlation matrix -> Correlation between location, room type, price, calculated host listing count, review?

Is there a difference in price across different neighborhood groups? Is there a difference in price across room types? Is there a relationship between price and minimum_nights? If there is, describe it. If there isn’t, explain how you know.

Describe the distribution of room_type. Which is the most popular?

Is there a difference in price across room types? Is there a difference in price across different neighborhood groups? Is there a relationship between price and minimum_nights? If there is, describe it. If there isn’t, explain how you know.

Job Description

Indra -> Report development and code review

Bharadwaj -> Code development

Meeting on 9th of October 2022

Indra -> 1. Update the progress of reports

2. Creation of shared folder in google drive

Bharadwaj -> Update the progress of the program

Meeting on 16th of October 2022

Update the progress of reports and program

Meeting on 25th of October 2022

Update the progress of reports and program

Meeting on 30th of October 2022

  1. Final review of reports and code.

  2. Final submission agreement

Last updated